Ranks Page

Simple page that displays all the ranks and their titles

Lists all your ranks on 1 page - User Ranks at the top, Special ranks at the bottom. If you want to change the order they are displayed, simply alter the ASC/DESC in the SQL

If you only want to show normal post based ranks and not any of the special ranks, you can make the following adjustment to ranks.php:

#-----[ FIND ]------------------------------------------
    // How many ranks do we have?
    $sql = 'SELECT *
        FROM ' . RANKS_TABLE . '
        ORDER BY rank_special ASC, rank_min ASC, rank_title ASC';
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);

    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) 
        $template->assign_block_vars('rank', array(
            'RANK_ID'           => $row['rank_id'],
            'RANK_TITLE'        => (isset($row['rank_title'])) ? $row['rank_title'] : '',
            'RANK_MIN'          => (isset($row['rank_min']) && !$row['rank_special']) ? $row['rank_min'] : '-',
            'S_RANK_SPECIAL'    => (isset($row['rank_special'])) ? true : false,
            'RANK_IMAGE'        => (empty($row['rank_image'])) ? '' : $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $row['rank_image'],
            'U_EDIT_RANK'       => ($auth->acl_get('a_ranks')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}adm/index.$phpEx", 'i=ranks&mode=ranks&action=edit&id=' . $row['rank_id'], true, $user->session_id) : '',
#-----[ REPLACE WITH ]------------------------------------------
    // How many ranks do we have?
    $sql = 'SELECT *
        FROM ' . RANKS_TABLE . '
            WHERE rank_special = 0
        ORDER BY rank_min ASC, rank_title ASC';
    $result = $db->sql_query($sql);

    while ($row = $db->sql_fetchrow($result)) 
        $template->assign_block_vars('rank', array(
            'RANK_ID'           => $row['rank_id'],
            'RANK_TITLE'        => (isset($row['rank_title'])) ? $row['rank_title'] : '',
            'RANK_MIN'          => (isset($row['rank_min']) && !$row['rank_special']) ? $row['rank_min'] : '-',
            'RANK_IMAGE'        => (empty($row['rank_image'])) ? '' : $phpbb_root_path . $config['ranks_path'] . '/' . $row['rank_image'],
            'U_EDIT_RANK'       => ($auth->acl_get('a_ranks')) ? append_sid("{$phpbb_root_path}adm/index.$phpEx", 'i=ranks&mode=ranks&action=edit&id=' . $row['rank_id'], true, $user->session_id) : '',


#-----[ COPY ]------------------------------------------
ranks.php to ranks.php
language/en/mod/ranks.php to language/en/mod/ranks.php
styles/prosilver/template/ranks_body.html to styles/prosilver/template/ranks_body.html
#-----[ DIY ]------------------------------------------
Find a suitable place to add your link to your groups page, whether it's on the header or footer or custom page